In this familiar passage, the Lord Jesus Christ is reaching out to a large segment of the community. His message is to the believer as well as the unbeliever. He has just prayed to His Father, giving thanks for sharing His truths with those who are willing to receive and then likens their spirit to that of a child. Jesus begins to speak out, explaining that He alone has a unique and intimate relationship with the Father. The two are known by each other and it is only from Himself (Jesus) that someone may know the Father. The Lord is choosing, at this time, to reveal the Father and He invites the weary and burdened to give their attention. He, like the Father is well aware of their condition, loves them, and desires to help them live a full life.

Look out – Pastor Henley describes the biblical community of the first century during the time of Christ. Most are very poor and the Jewish people are living under the rule of the Roman government. They experience unfair treatment economically, socially, and religiously. The common Jewish person is even denigrated by their religious leaders. Those who follow Christ suffer most because they are seen as rebels to the established and accepted faith of Judaism. This society, similar to ours today sought after a changed life.

Look in – Though we, like the first century citizens, look for the government to change or help, at some level, we realize that the government’s mandates and concessions are not enough to satisfy the soul. We all have our particular set of circumstances, trials, experiences. We may want to re-invent ourselves but do we have the liberty to re-make our self if we have a creator God? Do we have the capacity to bring about the needed difference? What is an internal need that you’ve experienced for at least a year? What weakness or loss has altered who you are? In what ways have you attempted to change yourself as a person?

Look up – The human spirit has a threshold for stress, pain, trials, and burdens. We were made individually to handle a certain level and then, help is needed. God knows our unique make-up and has made provisions for our survival. We see in Matthew 11, Christ extends an invitation to the laborer. He calls out to the one who is weighed down with loss, grief and duty. His call is in response to our spoken or unspoken question: What do I do next? God knows we need change and He, alone can help us make the adjustments. The problems, changes, and then the relearning, all take a toll on us. He can and will help us re-learn or learn anew.

Come to come towards Myself (Jesus Christ)
Jesus summons the listener to His ‘School of Life’. Weaknesses and then renewal and restoration are common to human life. Christ speaks “Come unto me all you that labor…” His world was in in turmoil but so was the individual life. The religious leaders have the Torah, law, rituals and traditions… but don’t have Jesus the Lord God, their Messiah. They, like the people needed something to lift them out of their problems. Pastor Henley described “A person is making it one day at a time. Today isn’t like yesterday and tomorrow won’t be like today.” Christ sought the weary, those accustomed to trials, and despair. He calls the one attempting to dull their pain for the moment. He bids them to come, with the promise, “I will give you rest” a guarantee of renewal.

Take “Jesus, you promised rest, but now you say put on a yoke” ??? He called many but to those who listen, the Lord tells them to put on His yoke. The image is that you and Christ share a yoke and He, the stronger will carry you on through your weak times. We need and should seek help from others but none can walk our paths and support us fully. Many offer partial or momentary assistance but our lack remains and often intensifies because of the insufficient helps or unfulfilled promises.
Jesus says He is “meek and lowly in heart” and with him you will find rest in your soul. When Christ ministers to you, he will not only fulfill you but will never take advantage of you. “He won’t step on you or say that you don’t measure up. He won’t ask for dues or works as payment for rest”, Pastor explains. Because His yoke is easy, you shall find rest to your soul, inner man, heart – where the weight of despair lies.

Look on – An important reminder is that problems will never go away but the Lord promises to take them on with you. David in Ps. 42 had the same need, hope, and invitation. He was deeply discouraged but his response was “I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again- my Savior and my God!” When the Lord asked the people to Take, the underlying question was and still is “ will you allow me to take care of you?”

Learn – With life’s constant and abrupt changes, Christ is saying that He can teach you how to live successfully. The third beckoning is to those who are the closest, they have listened and responded to the call. They have come unto Christ and are now willing to learn in His school of life. The Master Teacher is saying “let’s do life my way, come to my class”. Christ isn’t offering new ways, but He’s presenting the reality, that the one who made you and will help you. When you need to re-learn life, He has the curriculum and His lessons are in the scriptures. Give your present life to Christ, He has the keys to a new life of salvation, freedom, and rest.


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